Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Penn State - The Penn might be short for Penitentiary....

Lez be friends? No---K.

Oh Penn State, I've learned so much about you in the past 4 days and it is not sir, not at all.

One of the sources of my coming out inspiration came this weekend while watching the documentary Training Rules about discrimination against lesbians within the Penn State women's basketball organization during Rene Portland's tenure.  The story is mostly focused on Jen Harris who filed suit against Portland, the Tim Curley (Athletic Director) and others...but there are also some other former basketball players who fell victim to Portland's zero tolerance lesbian policy over the years.  I was enraged that this could go on for years and an entire institution turned a blind eye - she got to keep her job, she ruined people's lives b/c of her fear and insecurity - I find that disheartening but I find the courage of Jen Harris and other former players and coaches inspiring so I'll use that to conquer my own fear and insecurity -

After watching the documentary on Sunday, I found it rather timely or maybe the people at Logo found it timely to run the show (very chicken or egg without an inside scoop) when the first story I read on Monday morning is about trouble at Penn State - a former associate football coach is in trouble for child molestation - not only that but Tim Curley and other athletic staff members knew about it or had knowledge of it but didn't do much IF anything about it - THEN lied to the grand jury - well now they're all in trouble - even Paterno is being encouraged to step down since an incident was reported to him in 2002 - he did his minimal due diligence and told the athletic director's office...which leads me to wonder - if you thought there was enough merit to report it - why in the world would you not follow up?  I think firing the dude would have been my next step but maybe that's just me...I just know I couldn't work with a person that was even rumored to have committed these acts without thinking, worrying and even looking for signs every day.  I would have been watching the dude like a hawk - so for Coach Paterno to say that he reported it, end of story, washed his hands of it...I call bull shit. 

This just in: Paterno will retire at the end of the season....I think that is the best of scenarios for this football legend. 

Let's hope Penn State can rebuild their athletics department with some decent folks so their athletic department can have a chance to thrive.
The Kiddie Diddler, Sandusky

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