Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cargo Shorts and J-irts - An Introduction to Me!

Being a lesbian is not all camo cargo shorts and jean shirts...That seems funny to say (or type) but where I'm from there is a fine line between lesbian and red neck - My friends and I even came up with a gay starter kit which included:
  • Camouflage cargo shorts
  • Wife beater
  • Coors Light
  • Haircut (Mullet Optional)
  • I'd throw in a sports bra too.

Obviously, our starter kit also could be marketed to trailer parks and most of North Carolina (I keed)...While there is obviously a bit of truth in stereotyping...I actually don't own a pair of camo cargo shorts but I did own my fair share of madras plaid cargo shorts which still have strong support amongst the lesbian crowd as evidenced by any outdoor concert or festival widely attended by the lesbian population...but I'm a label whore so they had to be Brooks Brothers or Ralph Lauren - I did have some Old Navy but they rarely saw the outside of my house unless I was at a party in someone's backyard - I'm not claiming to be fashionable at ALL!  I am more classic than anything...give me a nice Ralph Lauren button down shirt and a pair of jeans w/ loafers any day of the week - I'm a happy girl...I don't own a jean shirt either...but I personally have no place for a jean shirt in my wardrobe...I like to wear my jean on my bottom half...I will not be a vision in denim from head to toe!

So while I do find mullets and jean shirts to be amusing, I don't begrudge anyone their personal style...

My point, and I do have being gay whether you're a teenager or you take the long road into adulthood before coming out...finding your identity can be difficult...I wore baggy plaid shorts for a period of time because I was trying to make a statement...I had arrived in the community...I was looking for my voice...trying to figure it all out...don't get me wrong - cargo shorts are super comfy and will probably maintain a place in my wardrobe - but when I decided to kiss a girl - that did not mean anything about me as a person needed to change...but even the most self confident of people stumble sometimes...especially when in unfamiliar territory...but as they say, "It Gets Better" -

Me - I guess I always knew I was different...just wasn't quite sure how - There wasn't anything about me outwardly that was different...and it took me well into my late 20s to even really figure it while I work on getting all of my body parts out of this walk-in closet I built...I'll share...attempt to be humorous...and even timely on my current events...

Lesbian or Redneck? I don't know!

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