Thursday, September 29, 2011

Southwest Airlines, Fly the Unfriendly Skies...

...If Southwest hadn't already told Kevin Smith he was too fat...and told Billy Joe Armstrong to hike up his pants...I would probably think this was an isolated incident involving one flight attendant with a stick up their butt (even though I would have rolled my eyes at any PDA, gay, straight, or stuffed animal snuggle)...but it seems that Southwest is a little strict...maybe rightly so given the scrutiny the airplane industry and TSA are under because of lax security measures...but a kiss and overweight dude don't rise to the level of deplaning in my humble opinion (which is worth roughly half a cent and in this economy, probably less).  I don't believe celebrities should receive preferential treatment...but if three people who are extremely visible have had these many people without daily media attention have experienced this treatment?  Also makes me wonder what ever happened to the motto "the customer is always right"?  

I do understand that flying is not a right and the airline is within their authority to have rules and policy measures...It does sound like being argumentative is what caused at least two of the deplaning incidents BUT I think any person trying to get from Point A to Point B would get a little testy if they were minding their beeswax and someone told them how to dress or that their display of affection was definitely would put me somewhere in between embarassed and defensive...which could end in a lashing save face if nothing else...but the point is that the flight attendant said that the plane was family friendly...meaning two girls kissing is since we weren't there to witness the event...Southwest we'll be watching social media for more incidents...

And I'll close with this L Word clip which for some reason I immediately thought of when I read about the ladies of Uh Huh Her getting kicked off the plane.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Southwest not "Family" friendly - From

Leisha Hailey Kicked Off Southwest Flight

She kissed a girl – and says Southwest Airlines didn't like it.
Actress Leisha Hailey, who starred on the Showtime series The L Word, went on a Twitter tirade Monday, furiously alleging that she and her girlfriend were escorted off of a Southwest flight for kissing each other.
"I have been discriminated against by @SouthwestAir," Hailey Tweeted. "Flt. attendant said that it was a "family" airline and kissing was not ok."
Criticizing the airline for staffing "homophobic employees," Hailey, 40, added: "Since when is showing affection towards someone you love illegal? I want to know what Southwest Airlines considers as 'family.' I know plenty of wonderful same sex families I would like to introduce them to. Boycott @SouthwestAir if you are gay. They don't like us."
The airline posted a statement late Monday, saying: "We received several passenger complaints characterizing the behavior as excessive."
"Our crew, responsible for the comfort of all customers on board, approached the passengers based solely on behavior and not gender," the statement continued. "The conversation escalated to a level that was better resolved on the ground, as opposed to in flight."
This isn't the first incident involving celebrities flying on Southwest. Last year, actor-director Kevin Smith was booted from a flight after the airline told him he was too large to safely occupy on seat. And just weeks ago, Green Day singer Billie Joe Armstrong said he was removed from a flight because his pants sagged too low.
But, hey, at least bags fly free.
Was it a case of an inappropriate making out or just plain ol' discrimination?  I'd like to see the video playback is all I'm saying...ha ha...if Southwest is indeed discriminating - Shame, shame - Making out on an airplane is far too much PDA for me but seeing two people happy to be flying the friendly skies together and sharing a few kisses would not offend...and who doesn't want to see two girls in love???  Either way...I'm sure all will be eye ballin' Southwest Airlines for a while...